2moons variables

    • 2moons variables

      ¿Cuales son las variables que se crean en la ejecucion de todo el scrip php de 2moons 2.0?
      Por ejemplo he visto en el código fuente estas:

      What are the variables created in the execution of the complete scrip php of 2moons 2.0?
      For example I see this in the source code:

      Source Code

      1. $USER['id']
      2. $USER['computer_tech']
      3. $PLANET[$resource[901]]
      4. ...
    • common.php is the responsible to attribute global variables that makes run whole 2moons
    • Yes, I see the common.php file and the global variables previously declared and values assigned. the variable in the example contains data of the data base, so they are created by querys to the data base and filled with this data in somewhere in the php source code.

      What I want to know is where are generated and when. So I can use in personal scripts and saving write php code. :thumbup:

      Thanks for the reply. :thumbsup: